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Medical Acupuncture

What is Medical Acupuncture?

Acupuncturists Eastbourne

For Medical Acupuncture book an Initial Consultation - Osteopathy - with Daniel Baines.

At Jane Reynolds and Associates we offer medical acupuncture to relieve the pain and promote a rapid and natural self-healing process. Our medical acupuncture procedure involves the insertion of fine needles into certain points of the body to stimulate endorphin release and switch off contracting muscles and alter nerve activity in that area, relieving pain. The procedure also calms down the central nervous system which, when dealing with pain, becomes over-active.


The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence recommends medical acupuncture for lower back pain and chronic pain in persons over the age of 16 specifically, and has pointed to the efficacy of acupuncture therapy when delivering in a community setting by a healthcare professional with appropriate training. Our practices come with the backing of trialled and established western medicine and don’t rely on the Traditional Chinese Medicinal applications of acupuncture. For chronic pain and lower back pain, acupuncture relieves pain and stimulates the self-healing process.

join the antiviral life programme for long covid and 


 from long covid naturally!

Long Covid is a horrible, new and frightening illness. Many sufferers feel helpless and don't know what they can do to help themselves.


The Long Haul Lounge approach is based on knowing this horrible condition not only exists but is curable naturally in many cases


THE ANTIVIRAL LIFE™ PROGRAMME FOR LONG COVID guides you through the healing of your own body and your long Covid. 


FREE through the programme is available through the Facebook Group, 'The Long Haul Lounge for long Covid'. Request to join this Facebook group once you have subscribed to the AntiViral Life™ programme for Long Covid. 


PAID COACHING through the programme is not required but Jane recommends it. Coaching is one-to-one online via zoom with Jane for 55 minutes and can be weekly, fortnightly or monthly. For details of coaching options please go to 'Coaching' under the 'Long COVID' tab.



In the video above, you'll be able to watch Dan Baines of Jane Reynolds & Associates demonstrate the exercises he gives his patients with M.E/chronic fatigue syndrome/fibromyalgia to treat themselves between sessions.

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