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Pain, Agitation and Discomfort in Babies 

Jane Reynolds, osteopath, has been treating babies for twenty years, with cranial osteopathy.







Cranial osteopathy is concerned with the arrangements of the parts of the body and their movements. This arrangement is formed in embryo, the foetus in the womb and is also affected by the birth process, where the baby is naturally pushed by powerful muscles through a narrow passage within the vagina.


Most of the time, the baby is born perfect and there is no need for osteopathic care. Sometimes, however, restrictions in the movement available to the baby in the womb or something going wrong during birth can disrupt the functioning of the baby’s body or movement.


The use of forceps, ventouse or caesarean section can shock or distort the new system. I try to understand what has gone wrong and why, and use very gentle yet powerful osteopathic techniques to allow the little body to overcome its malfunction. Mechanical disorders have a profound effect on the functioning of all body systems, and are important to encourage optimum health for a lifetime.




join the antiviral life programme for long covid and 


 from long covid naturally!

Long Covid is a horrible, new and frightening illness. Many sufferers feel helpless and don't know what they can do to help themselves.


The Long Haul Lounge approach is based on knowing this horrible condition not only exists but is curable naturally in many cases


THE ANTIVIRAL LIFE™ PROGRAMME FOR LONG COVID guides you through the healing of your own body and your long Covid. 


FREE through the programme is available through the Facebook Group, 'The Long Haul Lounge for long Covid'. Request to join this Facebook group once you have subscribed to the AntiViral Life™ programme for Long Covid. 


PAID COACHING through the programme is not required but Jane recommends it. Coaching is one-to-one online via zoom with Jane for 55 minutes and can be weekly, fortnightly or monthly. For details of coaching options please go to 'Coaching' under the 'Long COVID' tab.



In the video above, you'll be able to watch Dan Baines of Jane Reynolds & Associates demonstrate the exercises he gives his patients with M.E/chronic fatigue syndrome/fibromyalgia to treat themselves between sessions.

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